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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
How to COMIC CON in 12 Easy Steps!!
Hi there everyone! EJ, back with ya, and I've something nice for you today! (thank me later)Having weathered the awesomeness of New York Comic Con 2012 for 4 straight days this past weekend, I learned a thing or 2, and put together a "How to" guide for those set to attend NEXT year, the year after, and hopefully ANY comic con ANYWHERE, as most of these rules should still apply
Step #1 - Arrive Early
I can't state this enough. There WILL be a crowd. And depending on the day, that crowd will grow exponentially as the day progresses. Thursday, (press day), had a BUNCH of people, but then Friday? What?! Friday made Thursday look like a punk ass! ... And then Saturday was worse than that, so ... Yeah. Unless you PREFER waiting in long lines as opposed to the actual event which you paid for, do yourself a favor and set an alarm and arrive very much in the A.M.
Step #2 - Dress the part
Now this is one of those tricky double edged swords ... As tempted as I was to bust out some old cartoon gimmicky shirts, all in the spirit of "Fun" ... or whatever, we can't COMPLETELY ignore the fact that we have to exist in the "real world" afterwards, and some attire is best left in the late 90's/Early 2000's where they ... Well, they barely belonged THEN, but at least they were a bit more forgivable ...
That being said, its Comic Con, where it literally PAYS to stand out! An example of such being the Marvel booth which had maybe the most giveaways I saw for the day, and amidst the sea of flailing arms, they were only giving awesome stuff to elaborately dressed or Marvel clad devotees ... So ... you also have to take into consideration how much you want that limited edition bust of Wolverine for your living room mantle.
Step #3 - Eat BEFORE you get there ...
It will be a long day, people. You WILL get hungry. Not that they don't have a food court or anything to eat, cuz they definitely do ... But you can be SURE that they intend to hang you by your ankles and shake you upside for every last bit of change in your pocket. Do $15 Hot Pretzels taste better than the $2 ones from the vender outside? ... Do you REALLY want to find out?! ... TRY me, if you think I'm exaggerating even slightly! ... Or visit the 2 Bro's Pizza on 38th & 8th or the one on 40th & 9th (only a few blocks off from the Javitz Center) for 1$ slices of pizza, where scores of Comic Con goers chose to chowdown instead.
Step #4 - Express yourself!
Tons of semi-likeminded individuals congregating outside? Sounds like the perfect time and place to protest something! ... Or just generally make a lot of noise to get people to look in your direction ... Either way, try to keep it light ... People are only really here to have fun, after all!
Step #5 - Cosplay like you MEAN it!
Easily, one of the best features of Comic Con are all the people getting dressed up. We love taking pics of them, and they love to get their pics taken. Its why they go through the effort in the first place. (anyone who says otherwise is a liar or an idiot or something in between) So for the folks that put in that extra effort to either be super original, fun, meticulous, or (for the ladies) that extra bit of sexy - this mini gallery is for you!
... And my FAVORITE Costume of the weekend ... Aalya Secura
Step #6 - Don't Hate, Participate!
One of the video game dance booths actively encouraged patrons to get up on stage and show what they were made of! Much to the enjoyment of all! And I say - Why not? Comic Con is the type of place where everyone should be supported for their efforts! So go for it!!
Step #7 - Buy Souvenirs
Are things pricey? Yes. A bit. But its a shame to go all that way and then leave with nothing in hand. If you win stuff? Great! If not? Between the hordes of vendors selling comic books, video games, dvds, original art work, clothes, collectibles, and all sorts of other crap, you GOTTA find at least ONE thing to crack those rolls of pennies for ...
This dude bought himself one of those Japanese Love Pillow thingees ... .... Good for him!
spot ... blown ... UP!!
Step #8 - Make New Friends
Like I mentioned before, MOST people at Comic Con are there in good faith and spirit and enjoy meeting new people. Cool and relatable costumes are usually a good ice-breaker. But even if you're NOT in costume, don't let that stop you. Friendships can still be formed between some of the most unlikely of individuals ... Like this girl here who finds a bit of a love connection ... with a Droid (no, not the crappy phone)
I made an awesome witty comment when filming this, but it was a bit TOO cerebral and went over everyone's head ... alas ...
Step #9 - Charge your damn Phone!!!
Between all the picture taking and video making and texting to find all your friends that you lost in the crowd, your phone will run DRY and run dry QUICKLY. The GOOD news is that there are charging stations placed around the Javitz Center. The BAD news is that there like maybe 3 stations with 6 to 8 jacks each, and like hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of people competing for them ... I shit you not. So don't depend on them. Be mindful of your power output throughout the day, and bring your own charging cable. Sometimes you can find your own outlet to make use of. It will go a long way.
Step #10 - Stalk Celebrities
Yep. Celebrities like Comic Con too. Ok. Most of them are there to promote a tv show, movie, or just themselves. But it still doesn't make it any less fun to find them. If they are stationed at a booth, its easier, but sometimes they will be sprinkled in and around the crowd if you look carefully ... Ralph Macchio and Eliza Dushku were apparently there (based on their Twitter comments), I spotted Pharrel Williams blending into the crowd, but couldn't get off the line I was standing to go chase him down ... But I DID manage a few celeb shots for your enjoyment ... And to those "celebs" that mandated you BUY your photo op with them? (I'm looking at YOU Vern Troyer & Bella Twins) Shame on you.
The Dream Team lookin ... old, and not so "team-like" ...
Step #11 - Do the Afterparty ...
Yes. There are a bunch of afterpartys for when the days' festivities conclude. And they range from craptacular to Fuckin AWESOME, like the one hosted by Nerdist Industries and Legendary Entertainment on Saturday night at Slate Lounge on 21st st. Free food, free drinks ... Free T-SHIRT!! DJ was killin' it and cats were gettin DOWN! Thoroughly impressed, I was!!
And finally, last but not least ...
Step #12 - Get PLENTY of rest!!
BELIEVE! It will be a LONG day ... Walking for what feels like miles! Fun, but exhausting ... And chances are, you might be doing it all again the very next day! So curl up and catch some Zzzz's at the Comic Con itself, or just wait till u get home. Either way, rest them bones cuz you'll need all the juice you got to kick ass the rest of the weekend!
Hope you found this list helpful and I look forward to catching you next October at the New York Comic Con 2013!
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